Leon Yosif Levi

Leon Yosif Levi

This is my half-brother Leon Yosif Levi whom we used to call Edi. I remember him as a very talented and learned person. He could draw beautifully, but he had unhappy childhood years. Unfortunately, I know next to nothing about his life after 9th September 1944 [the day of the communist takeover in Bulgaria]. He is most probably dead.

I know nothing about how my mother and my father had met. I know only that my mother was divorced then and had one kid. I can't say anything for certain about her first husband, Yosif Levi. Once I saw him from the back in a street. He seemed to me dirty.

I remember that my half-brother Leon, whose pet name was Edi, lived with us until I started to go to school (that is about 1931-1932). After that my uncle Haim and auntie Margarita Baruh grew him up. My brother Leon Yosif Levi was undesired by my father and because of that I was often present to arguments between mum and dad at home; Leon was the reason for these arguments but he was not guilty.

The point was that Edi was different from other people because he was born without thumbs on his palms and what is more - he was my mother's child from another man. All this was depressing to my father and thus a situation was provoked by which my uncle and aunt decided to take care of him. I should underline, however, that despite his defect, my brother was literate: he could read, he could write and he also had much talent for painting.

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