The Königsberg (Petr Weber's aunts) and Kellman sisters

The Königsberg (Petr Weber's aunts) and Kellman sisters

In this photograph are another two of my mother's sisters, Dina and Toshka, together with two Kellman sisters, Rivka and Pessl. To this day I'm in touch with the descendants of this Rivka Kellman, who live in America. In the photograph are, from left to right: Pessl Kellman, Toshka Königsberg, Rivka Kellman, Dina Königsberg. I unfortunately don't know where and when this photo was taken.

The Kellman family was in some way connected to the Königsbergs, my mother's family. Likely somewhere in that generation of grandmas, one from the Königsberg family married into the Kellman family, but I don't know anything about it for certain. Someone by the name of Yehuda Schlomo Kellman is there, apparently the brother of Zissl Königsberg, who was probably my grandmother, the mother of Lola Preiss. So her maiden name would then have been Kellman. According to the same source of information, my mother's grandmother was named Chana Kellman, née Weiser. Apparently she died in 1929. So that's perhaps how both families are related. Both families lived in the same small town, Bochnia in Poland, near Krakow.

Toshka and Esther moved to what was back then the Palestine still during pre-war times, probably around 1935, and thus survived and became this bridge between me and my past. They lived in Tel Aviv. So from the entire Königsberg family, only these three survived, Toshka, Esther and Uncle Shlomo. My mother and her other sisters, by this I mean Dina, Lea, Bracha and another brother David, all those died during World War II.

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