Judita Schvalbova's friend Janka Teserova

Judita Schvalbova's friend Janka Teserova

In this photo you can see our friend Janka Teserova from Kosice. In the background you can see the interior of the Presov synagogue. The photo was taken in 2004 during the 10th anniversary of the renewal of the Lodge's activities. Guests also came from Budapest and Prague. Part of the program was in Kosice and then we invited them to our beautiful synagogue.

The synagogue to this day serves Jewish purposes, but also serves for various cultural activities such as a concert for the synagogue's 100th anniversary. There was also a concert of old music held here, and Yehuda Lahav introduced his book here. Part of the synagogue serves for religious services. The gallery, which one time was the area reserved for women, houses the Barkany Collection.

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