Jozsef Farkas’ birth certificate

Jozsef Farkas’ birth certificate

This is my birth certificate.

I was born on 4th October 1929 in Kolozsvar, in the Matyas Matyas clinic. I got the name Jozsef Sandor after my two grandfathers, Alexander Farkas and Jozsef Deutsch. According to our ritual, every newborn boy can adopt the name of his deceased grandfather. We lived in Turda, I grew up there. After my sister was born, my father went to work in America to make some money. This was quite common then. Many people from Transylvania went to America. Some of them remained there, and some returned. He worked there for four or five years, and when he got home, he bought the house we lived in. I was born later. Our house in Turda was on Avram Iancu Street, at No. 19.

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