Halina Rozen with her daughter Anita

Halina Rozen with her daughter Anita

Here you can see my aunt Rozia (called Halina) Rozen with her daughter Anita. This photo was taken in Argentina in 1958. My mother's sister Rachela, nicknamed Halina, was born in 1917 I guess. In 1939 Aunt Rozia and Uncle Moniek stayed in Zamosc. As the deportations began, everyone tried to figure something out. Aunt Rozia had a 'good' appearance. A schoolmate of her from Zamosc looked a bit alike and she gave her her ID in the name Halina Nowosadowicz, and so Rozia left for Warsaw; she later assumed the name Halina Skalska and sent the ID back to her schoolmate. 'Halina' worked for Zegota, she was a runner there. After the war I decided to leave the house, moved to Lublin and became a member of the Fighting Youth Union. I stayed with Halina for some time, she was finishing her studies at the Lublin Polytechnic, she was 27. Her second husband, Stach Rozen, lost his wife and daughter in Majdanek and he desperately wanted a daughter, eventually they adopted a girl and she got her first name after Stach's daughter - Ania, Anita. Halina and Stach left in 1948. They moved to Argentina, because some of the pre-war emigrants from the family were still there, so they had a starting point. Anita didn't even know she was an adopted child. She's coming to Poland for a longer stay next year. That Anita is pretty, very pretty, I like her very much.
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