Grigoriy Fihtman with amateur performers at the regional show of amateur performers

Grigoriy Fihtman with amateur performers at the regional show of amateur performers

This is me, Grigoriy Fihtman (in the center) with amateur performers at the regional show of amateur performers.  This photo was taken in Vinnitsa in 1966.  I with colleagues from our school participated in the final concert of this regional show. After the concert we went outdoors to have our picture in the national Ukrainian costumes

In 1960s I had a full workload at school in Komargorod village, Vinnitsa region. I also conducted extra-curriculum activities.   I also taught in senior classes where they paid more. I got five, ten years of employment records at school and they  gave a raise of salary for the duration of school employment.  I especially liked dance, sing, or recite at school concerts. We lived with my wife's parents and we all contributed our salaries into our common family budget. We also had a vegetable garden where we grew potatoes.  There was a food store and a market in the village. We bought our first TV in 1968 after power supply wiring was installed in Komargorod. Our family was the first one to buy a TV set. We bought it on installments. I had seen a TV before when I went to take my exams in Odessa University. Our neighbors came to watch our TV. Our son had their characters, but they were kind to people, obedient and disciplined. They studied with all excellent marks in my school. They spent their vacations at home for the most part. They were not demanding about buying things.  They understood our possibilities. We celebrated Soviet holidays: 1 May, October revolution Day and Victory Day.  New Year was a family holiday. We decorated a New Year tree when our sons were small. 

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