The family of Moisey Galyorkin

The family of Moisey Galyorkin

In the first lower row: Albert (Aba), Moisey's grandson.

Second lower row, from left to right: Moisey Galyorkin, his grandson Mark (Mordkhey), Moisey's wife Sarra.

Third lower row, from left to right: Moisey's daughter Gita; her husband German Breido, brother of Susanna's father.

Moisey Galyorkin lived with his family in the village of Shumilino between Polotsk and Vitebsk. He brought up my mother's sister, Braina, who was 6 years old when her parents died. But soon after that an accident happened.

Braina was placed on a hot stove after bath and got burnt severely. After that Lipa Galyorkin took her in. He provided her with a very good gymnasium [gymnasium is a different educational institution, school is a more common one] education later on.

Moisey Galyorkin had three other sons and a daughter:

David [1880-1942], Samuil [1885-1942], Irma [1887-1955] and Gita [1891-1965]. David and Samuil died in the besieged Leningrad.

Samuil's son Sleima and David's son Zalman perished on the front in 1942. Zalman's wife Sonya, a teacher, evacuated pupils from school
# 166, where I studied, from Leningrad. but they found themselved on the territory occupied by Germans. She perished together with her two small children in the mobile gas chamber.

Irma Moiseyevich survived the blockade and took part in the defense of Leningrad. Nota Moiseyevich was evacuated over the Urals together with his wife and daughters.

Relatives of his wife, Emma Wulfovna Fridman (her brothers with their wives and children) were shot by Germans in Shumilino [between Polotsk and Vitebsk] in 1942.

Nota's son Yakov was in the war and reached Berlin. He is a disabled veteran. Together with his son Nota Moisey was procuring cattle. Nota was my mother's fiance for some time, until my father took her away to Petrograd in 1917.

Gita Moiseyevna married her cousin German Breido, my father's brother.

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