Estera Migdalska's cousins

There are my cousins on my father's side. I?m not in this photo. I could swear this photo was taken in the courtyard of my grandmother in Kielce. I remember this fence. Behind the fence there was a manor. I remember there was no water at Grandmother's home. It was a barrack, and it was located in the Jewish housing estate. There was a market square in front of the entrance to the neighbourhood. I don't know the exact year when the photo was taken, but it could have been approximately in 1938, because I am not in it and in 1939 I was in Kielce. This girl on the right, in white clothes, and the tallest one, they are sisters, probably the cousins of Julek Dajbog on his mother's side. Julek (my uncle Noach's son) is wearing a tie, and next to him stands, I think, Aaronek. I don't remember his surname, but he is a son of uncle Maks and Aunt Gienia (nee Dajbóg). This boy, who is on the upper right side is Michas Dajbog (my uncle Ajzyk's son), I suppose. He had long, blond hair, exactly of this kind. The last three girls, who stand on the left are probably children from the neighbourhood, because I don?t know them. For vacations I often went to relatives to Kielce and Pinsk. I don't remember how long those stays lasted. Perhaps it was weeks, perhaps a month, perhaps it was days. I don't recall ever going with my parents. My father would take me to the train station and find someone who was going in the same direction. He'd buy a special guardian booklet next to your ticket, fill it, and I'd travel in the company of a stranger. There, in turn, someone would pick me up at the station. I could have been five or six. I guess it was a question of money because I don't remember Father ever going with me to Kielce. He went for Grandfather's funeral, that I remember. He was with me in Kielce, that I also remember, but that was the only time. In Kielce, I was still the well-behaved, quiet, good child that obeyed the adults. It was a bit more stern there than in Pinsk, though Grandmother was very kind and loved me very much. And I have fond memories of Kielce, because I had many cousins there, many relatives, which I didn't have in Pinsk.

Photos from this interviewee