Esfir Dener's rehabilitation certificate

Esfir Dener's rehabilitation certificate

This is my rehabilitation certificate, issued by the Republican Prosecutor office in Kishinev in 1994. The paper is of different colors because there were two documents and I have the sheets of each one left. It reads: 'According to Article I. of the Order of the presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 16 January, 1989 'Additional efforts to resume justice for the victims of persecutions in the 1930-40s and the 1950s' Dener Boris Semyonovich is rehabilitated posthumously. The Order of a Special meeting at the MHA USSR of 26 May 1951, under which Dener Esfir Borisovna for her escape from her settlement location was sentenced to 3-year imprisonment in ITL and further exile in her mandatory residential accommodation is acknowledged unjustified in accordance with Article I. the Order of the presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 16 January, 'Additional efforts to resume justice for the victims of persecutions in the 1930-40s and the 1950s' Dener Esfir Borisovna, born in 1924 [1925], is rehabilitated. Dener Esfir Borisovna was on special residential settlement from 06.41 to September 1944, and from 13.02.51 to 13.02.54.'
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