Engelina Goldentracht with her father Vladimir Zorin

Engelina Goldentracht with her father Vladimir Zorin

My father and I. I am a few months old. The photo was taken in Dnepropetrovsk in 1925. This is the first photograph of me. My father Zakhar Voosiker was born to an ordinary Jewish family. His father David Voosiker was a shoemaker, he was a very religious man. My father finished cheder and this happened to be his only Jewish education. My father studied at the Russian elementary school. He was a very gifted man: he wrote poems, fables, and parodies, and drew well. He got very fond of revolutionary ideas, just like many other young people from poor families did. He became a Komsomol member, and in 1923 he became a member of the Communist Party. At that time it was popular to change first and last names to better sounding ones, and my father chose the name Vladimir Zorin. Vladimir after Lenin, and as to his last name: he just found it beautiful. My parents met at one of their party related events. My mother didn't know my father's real name until he invited her to his home and introduced her to his family. They got married at the beginning of 1924. At that time many young people merely announced themselves husband and wife and began to live as a family. That was my parents' plan, but their parents convinced them to register their marriage. A Jewish wedding was out of the question at that time. My parents celebrated their wedding with their party comrades and left for Berdiansk on one of their party assignments to organize a commune in a village. Members of this commune lived in barracks and did the farming together, hoping to harvest big crops and establish new communal relationships. They had a very poor life and ate potatoes and sauerkraut. In the evenings they got together to sing revolutionary songs, recite poems and dream about a happy future. I was born in this commune on 18th December 1924. I was named Engelsina after Frederic Engels. Later, after the war, I changed my name to Engelina.
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