Daniel Melnik and his family

Daniel Melnik and his family

This is the family of my maternal grandmother, Grunya Grinberg. The picture was taken in the house of grandmother's sister Beila in Jurbarkas (6, Veit Street). Beila is the first on the right. Our distant relatives are in this picture, namely Daniel Melnik is sitting fourth from the left. His daughter married Mr. Rabinovich, the minister of finance of Lithuania. I don’t know about the rest. The picture was taken in the mid-1920s.

My family comes from the small town of Jurbarkas 200 kilometers away from Vilnius. My maternal grandpa, Morduchai Grinberg, was born in Jurbarkas in 1864. Morduchai was involved in commerce. He was neither rich nor poor. His wife, Grunya, was also born in Jurbarkas. She had a sister, Beila, and two brothers, Gary and another one, whose name I don’t know. She died at a rather young age from some sort of a disease in 1905. She died and six children became orphans. Grandpa didn’t remarry, though he was a rather young man. He didn’t want his children to be brought up by a stepmother. Morduchai and Grunya had three sons and three daughters. 

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