Arnold Leinweber at the vocational school

Arnold Leinweber at the vocational school

This is me, Arnold Leinweber, in my school uniform of 1936, at the vocational school. I was born in Bucharest on 12th August 1920. At home, I used to help my parents make paintbrushes, which I took to the peddlers. I went to work, and, on my way back, took the orders from the peddlers. I made the paintbrushes at night. From 15th March 1933, when I was twelve years and a half, I spent 3 months preparing to become a zincographer. I spent six years and a half at 'Adevarul' [Truth] and 'Dimineata' [Morning] [1933-1939]. I met Iosif Berman [Iosif Berman (1891-1941): Jewish photographer who was famous in the interwar period for his illustrated reports. He was nicknamed 'the man with a thousand eyes'. Between 1920 and 1930, he contributed photographs to the 'Adevarul' newspaper, the 'Realitatea ilustrata' magazine etc. He was a correspondent for 'Berliner Tageblatt', 'London Express', and 'New York Times'.] in the period when I had started to work as a zincographer. When they came back from the field, they passed through the zincography workshop, took the back stairs, for there was no elevator, and went to their lab. They developed the photos there, and brought them to the zincography workshop. Berman was loved by the people. One time he photographed me in front of the 'Zig-Zag' bar, on Matei Millo [St.], behind Otetelesanu's [dining terrace], where the Telephones [the Telephone Company Palace, on Victoriei Ave.] are today. I don't know what had caught my attention. I had climbed the fence to look at something, and he caught me on film. This is how I made it in the newspaper, in 1936 or 1937. In 1938, the newspaper had to be closed.
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