Alexander Paskov's parents with relatives

Alexander Paskov's parents with relatives

These are some members of my family. In the front row from left to right are:
my father Moisei Paskov, my mother Estra Levitin,
my father's sister Hannah, and Tasya Shapiro.

In the second row from left to right are: my father's cousin
on his mother's side Adolf Velkovski, his wife Maria Shapiro (Tasya's sister)
and my father's twin brother Mark Paskov. Mark was married
o Shapiro's third cousin, Faina, who is not in this photograph.

The Shapiro sisters were from Zaporozhya.
Their father was a small-time tradesman, and died in Leningrad. Mark's wife Faina was a doctor.
Their children (my cousins) were born in 1937. Alexander and Rozita (Rita) were twins.
They lived in Leningrad. Alik graduated from the Gorny Institute and worked at the Factory for the Advancement
of the Building of Transport Cars, and for Baikonur.

Rita graduated from the Institute of Engineering and worked as an engineer-chemist at the factory 'Arsenal'.
Adolf and Maria also had two children, Irma and Asya. My aunt Hannah (married name Blumkina),
her husband, and their son Alexander,
were shot by Germans in the ghetto-camp in Starodub in 1941-1942. Hannah's other two children,
her son Igor and daughter Faina, studied in Moscow before the war, and survived.

After graduating from a military academy, Igor served in the Baltic fleet and later on
was the director of the cafeteria at the Institute of Physical Education in Moscow.
Faina (married name Shaikevich), together with her son Alexander's family, moved to Israel.
There is no information about the fate of Tasya Shapiro.

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