Lesson Plans

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 results
For grades Documents

Onsite Learning: A special approach to Generation Z

History, other projects

This PowerPoint offers an overview of how to create an onsite learning experience for students, what to consider as you plan, and some of the challenges you may face.

10, 11, 12, 9

Greek Jewry of Thessaloniki

English, History
The subject of the script concerns the acquisition of knowledge of local history, focusing our attention on the multiculturalism of Thessaloniki and especially on the existence of a prosperous Jewish...
8, 9

Sarajevo Project for Jewish Day School Communities


The Bosnian-Serb siege of Sarajevo, from spring 1993 until winter 1996, was the longest in modern history. With electricity, water and food supplies cut off and only sporadically supplied, with...


Opis projektu - Ażeby pamięć nie umarła


Lekcje poświęcone pracy z filmem Centropy o losach Teofili Silberring, a wcześniej udział w seminarium, zapoznanie się z filozofią nauczania i działalnością Centropy,  podsunęły mi pomysł na przygotowanie i zrealizowanie...


Guidelines for Creating a Centropa Lesson

other projects

Your guide for a successful lesson plan.
