Juci Scheiner -- Love On A Motorcycle

This story is set in the Transylvanian city of Targu Mures, or Marosvasarhely in Hungarian. During the Second World War, northern Transylvania was occupied by the Hungarian fascists, who deported 150,000 Jews to Auschwitz in 1944. Juci Scheiner, who hailed from a well-to-do family, was one of them. She and her brother Andras survived and returned home, where Juci re-opened her beauty parlor. She won a motorcycle in the lottery and, during a motorcyclists' ball, met and fell in love with her future husband, Jeno Schoenbrunn. Jeno himself had only recently returned from Soviet labor camps. Juci's time in concentration camps saw to it she could have no children of her own. Jeno died after an extended illness. After a long time, Juci married another Holocaust survivor, Aladar Scheiner, president of their small Jewish community. Juci also lost Aladar. Well into her nineties she stayed involved with her smaller and aging Jewish community. This film ends with a tribute to the Joint Distribution Committee, which, among other things, helps care for elderly Holocaust survivors.

Lesson plans for this film

2 results
For grades Documents

Juci Scheiner: Foundations of Halacha and Aggada

etika, hit- és erkölcstan

In this lesson about the "Foundations of Halacha and Aggada", Students will engage in a unit exploring various definitions of Jewish community. They will study both classical (Biblical and Rabbinic)...

Scheiner Juci élete

osztályfőnöki óra, etika, hit- és erkölcstan, History

A tananyag Scheiner Júlia élettörténetét alapul véve a következőket segíti: a holokauszt tanítása, egyéni / közösségi fejlesztés, toleranciára nevelés, és az empátia fejlesztése, de alkalmas még az egység / sokféleség...

7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12