Alexander Paskov with his mother Estra and other relatives

Alexander Paskov with his mother Estra and other relatives

This is a family photograph.
It was taken in the summer of 1937, when Mom and I vacationed
at our relatives' place in Klintsi in the Briansk region.
Every summer we would go with her to visit our relatives there.

In June 1941, it was here that we learned about the war.
As in July we received a telegram from our father and were evacuated
to Nizhnii Tagli in the Urals, where we remained throughout the war.

In the front row, from the left, I am standing
and my mom is sitting next to me with her arm around me.
Behind my mom in the second row her sister Liza (married name Shifrina) is standing.
In front of her on the round table, her daughter Raia is sitting and holding a purse.
She is six years old in this picture. We are the same age.
The two other children in the photograph are Lyona and Raia Levant,
the children of my mother's second sister Sonya from Starodub.
They are already in school.

My aunt Liza was the wife of a salesman and together
with their daughter they lived in the city of Klintsi,
where they all were killed in the war.

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