Hannah Blumkina, sister of Alexander Paskov's father, and Rakhil Paskova, the wife of his father's brother

Hannah Blumkina, sister of Alexander Paskov's father, and Rakhil Paskova, the wife of his father's brother

This photograph was taken on May 21, 1917, before the end of the October Revolution in Russia.
In this photograph are two of my relatives: Hannah, a sister of my father
and Rakhil, the wife of my father's brother Samuel.

Hannah got married to Efim Blumkin, a salesman and they had two sons and a daughter.
Rakhil and Samuel had two children, a son and a daughter.
Samuel worked as a carpenter in a shop.
Both families lived in Starodub.

When the war started, none of them evacuated and they ended up under German occupation.
Hannah and Rakhil's families were destroyed by the Germans near Starodub in 1942.

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