Victor and Natalia Falk

Victor and Natalia Falk

This is a picture of my son Victor and his daughter Natalia Falk. The photo was taken in Melitopol in 1998. My only son was born in 1956. My parents and my wife Riva Brukental's parents came to the circumcision ritual. After the brit milah Riva's mother talked Riva into visiting them in Chernovtsy. I still feel sorry that I agreed to her going on this trip. On the way back to Hlyboka, Riva and our son got into a car accident. Riva only had minor injuries, but our son had a concussion, which resulted in epilepsy. Victor had problems with his studies. This was mainly due to his injury. I understood that it wasn't because he was lazy and didn't force him to study. After finishing school Victor tried to enter a technical school, but failed at the exams. We decided to stop trying and he went to work as a laborer at a printing house. My son got married in 1984. Victor's wife, Ludmila Teplitskaya, was a Jew. Her parents moved to Uzhhorod after World War II. Victor and Ludmila didn't have a Jewish wedding. My granddaughter, Natalia, was born in 1986. Unfortunately, my son's marriage failed. They divorced in 1990. Ludmila, her daughter and her parents moved to Israel in 1992. Ludmila died in Israel in 1998. Her parents and our granddaughter returned to Ukraine. They live in Melitopol in the Crimea. My son supports his daughter. Sometimes she spends her vacations with us. Natalia finished school last summer. Unfortunately, we cannot support her to continue her studies. I don't know what Natalia plans to do in the future. Victor is a storekeeper in Hesed now. I help him when he has to make food packages.
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