Isaac Rozenfain's Diploma of the Supreme Soviet

Isaac Rozenfain's Diploma of the Supreme Soviet

This is a Diploma of the Supreme Soviet that I received for the construction of a factory of leatherette in Kishinev in 1980. I entered the extramural faculty of industrial and civil construction of Moscow Construction College. I defended my diploma in Moscow. By the time of finishing the college I was a construction site superintendent. A construction site included two to three sites. I built few apartment buildings, kindergartens, a shoe factory, a leather factory in Kishinev, a factory in Orhei and a fur factory in Belzi. Occasionally when walking in the town I think: this is mine and this one as well. In the 1970s, when I worked at the construction of a factory of leatherette in Kishinev, I went to Leningrad on business twice a month. The factory was designed by the Leningrad Design Institute. I love Leningrad and always did. Not only for its beautiful architecture, but also its residents. I think they are particularly noble and intelligent. This horrible siege [Blockade of Leningrad], that they suffered! They used to say in Leningrad: you are not a real Leningrad resident if you had not lived through the siege. They are such good people, really! I got a job offer from Leningrad. My application letter was signed up and we were to receive an apartment in Pushkino, but my wife and I decided to stay in Kishinev after we discussed this. Everything here was familiar: our apartment, the town, the people we knew and our sons. I worked at the factory of leatherette 43 years: I worked at its construction and then became chief of the department of capital construction and I still work there.
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