Erzsebet Radvaner´s second husband Vilmos Radvaner

Erzsebet Radvaner´s second husband Vilmos Radvaner

This is Vilmos Radvaner, my second husband in Esztergom, in the 1960s. This photo was taken behind the Basilica. In the background you can see the Maria Valeria bridge, which was destroyed in WWII - this meant the end of a direct connection between Hungary and Slovakia. We often went on excursions there with my husband, he loved the Curb of the Danube. My second husband was born in 1901. I married him in 1948. He was a private merchant, and he could trade with state companies. Then at the end he was an chief supervisor in a cooperative. He went around to supervise the branches, but he came home when he wanted. I was left in the flat in the Katona Jozsef Street and we lived there. Vilmos was observant. There was the dinner after Yom Kippur, and before that he fasted and prayed. He never went to work on that day. My daughter, Julia, was born in 1949. My husband died in 1969. We left home on a Thursday morning to go to (the spa resort of) Hajduszoboszlo with a referral. The next day we had lunch and he sad, 'I'm going up to make a coffee, I will be back in 5 minutes.' I looked at my watch - I had been reading away happily - and I saw that one or two hours (had already passed). I went up and there he was on the bed, he had not had the time to make his coffee (before he died). He was finished. And I was there. (My daughter) Anna was due back from a nice holiday in Italy that day and we had arranged that we would call her at 9PM. I went into a motel and asked them if I could make a phone call at 9. (She picked it up) and she started to tell me how great the holiday had been. I sad, 'Wait'. And I told her (what had happened). She arrived there the next day and I arranged everything for the body to be brought home. I told my party secretary - we were on very good terms with her -, 'look, Maria, it will be a religious burial. My mother had a religious burial not so long ago, he will have one too, if you don't mind.'
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