David Elazarov

David Elazarov

This is a picture of me, taken in 1924 in Sofia. My father, Solomon Elazar, was married twice. He had two daughters from his first marriage - my stepsisters Rozalia and Dora. His first wife, Matilda Baruh, died of tuberculosis. I am from my father's second marriage. My mother, Vergina Elazar, nee Bohor, wasn't rich. She worked in an atelier. This was her first marriage. Because of the wars, there was a big group of women who couldn't marry. My mother was among them. She married relatively late - when she was 30 years old. And it was very fortunate for her. I was born on 30th April 1920 in Sofia. At that time my mother was 33 years old and my father was 40. My birth was a great joy for them, because only girls had been born in the family before me. They prepared a special canopy with silk curtains [for the cradle] and organized a big celebration. I remember that when we were children, we stood in front of the Military Club during the military parades. We were impressed by the orderly rows, the soldiers' gait. From the holidays I remember most vividly St. George's Day; we went outside, people brought food, roasted lamb and fresh water and we ate in the greenery. I also remember the 'Women's Market' [the largest open market in Sofia, close to the city center]. They often sent me to buy something from there. It was very interesting - people offering, buying, and bargaining. It was very lively with lots of noise and shouting.
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