Shabbat in Berlin

What an incredible shabbat in Berlin!  Although the weather has been very hot and it seems that air conditioning is not a priority in Germany, it still has been great!  I enjoyed services at the Rykestrasse Syangogue on Friday.  The style of the service is not what I am used to, but it was very German:  robes, traditional cantorial chanting, and the seperation of men and women,  Shabbat dinner was really enjoyable and everyone's spirits were high.  On Shabbat morning I went to visit the Wannsee House.  I had mixed feelings about seeing it, but I felt that it was something that I really wanted to do.  I travelled to Wannsee with 5 other centropa friends, and was so surprised at how beautiful the neighborhood is.  Once I entered the house and saw the room where the decision for the "final solution" was made, I was ready to leave.  I went, I saw it, and felt disgusted about the whole thing.  In the afternoon we had a great discussion about the book BEAUTIFUL SOULS, and I am really looking forward to skyping with Eyal Press on Monday in order to hear what he has to say about it.  The varied impressions of the book from people from many different countries, and with very different narratives, was fascinating to me.