Mark Derbaremdiker's birth certificate

This is my birth certificate issued to me by the Jewish community of Berdichev in 1920. I was born in Berdichev on 9th July 1920. My Jewish name is Mordke-Oizer Leivi-Isaakovich. The leadership of the Jewish community issued my birth certificate in two languages: Yiddish and Hebrew. My date of birth is also given according to both the Jewish and the modern calendar. I was born a few days after the Red Army entered Berdichev and declared the Soviet power. The Civil War was over for Berdichev. My father told me that the Bolsheviks began shooting the ten richest Jews in town, not because they were Jews, but because they were rich. The house where I was born was located in Kachanovka between the old and the new town on the hilly bank of the Gnilopiat River.