Luci Werdiger in Paris

This photo was taken in Paris, France in 1940.

At the back of the picture there is written, probably by Stanislaw Wygodzki’s aunt Anii Werdiger: “Dear Luci, your cousin, after the wedding.”

My husband was from Bedzin. His name was Szyja. Stanislaw was his pen name before the war. His parents were Icchak and Rywa-Brajndla, nee Werdiger.

I know that Rywa-Brajndla's brother, Samuel Werdiger, was living in Paris with his wife Anii and daughter Luci. My husband also had other relatives in France: some male cousin.

My husband had three younger brothers, their names were: Lejb, Leon and Aronek. When someone asked Rywa-Brajndla how she was doing, she'd answer: 'My husband is a Zionist, my four sons are communists, how can I be doing?'

Photos from this interviewee