Lubov Ratmanskaya's grandmother Etya-Hannah Ratmanskaya

My grandmother, Etya-Hannah Ratmanskaya. The photo was taken in Kiev in the 1900s. Grandmother Etya-Hannah Zlotchenko was born in the town of Talnoye, Kiev region. Kiev was outside the Jewish Pale of Settlement, but my grandfather was allowed to live in Kiev as a craftsman. He was an ink maker - he made ink according to his own recipe. His sons were allowed to live in Kiev until they came of age, and his daughters, until they got married. His family lived in Podol. I don't know much about my grandparents' life. They had a very good family. That's why their children turned out very well. They had seven children: Aro-Shloyme, Tsipa, Noah, Vera, my father Isay, aunt Manya and aunt Makhlya. All the children had some profession. My grandparents were religious. Some of their children and grandchildren were religious, too, and some weren't. My father didn't tell me about the life of his family before the Revolution of 1917. Before 1917 they didn't hide their Jewish origin, but afterwards, somehow it didn't seem the right time to talk about it. I only know that the family was very poor. At the end of 1917 we came to Kiev, to my father's parents. My grandfather had already died, but grandmother continued to live in the same house. She died in 1918.