Leon Pinkas's family

This photo was taken in our house in Vidin in October 1933. This is my father, Leon Pinkas, in front of the radio, my mother Lenka Pinkas, nee Beraha, first from right, and my brother Avram Pinkas to the left. I don?t remember when my father bought that radio, but he was very proud and happy that he had such a radio. It consisted of two parts with headphones. The upper part was not only a loudspeaker, but it also caught foreign stations beside the Sofia one. He loved listening to the news. In the later years during the war [WWII] he listened to the news a lot. After the Law for Protection of the Nation was passed, our radio set was jammed. We couldn't get any radio stations. My father liked to listen to Radio London, but the radio set was jammed. Still, he somehow found out how to get rid of it and he listened to Radio London in the evenings. In this way we received more objective information about what was happening at the front. The radio stood in the jetty where the family usually gathered after dinner. Before the radio, we also had a gramophone at home. My father was interested in politics also and read the newspaper regularly. There were two newspapers which were popular at that time - 'Utro' [Morning] and 'Zora' [Dawn]. This was before World War II, when there were no other newspapers than the government dailies, which my father used to read. This was the time of the government of King Boris III. My father bought these newspapers and followed the political events. Especially when World War II started, we all read them very eagerly.