Jozef Friedmann and family

This photo was taken in Presov, either in 1912 or 1913. There is my father Jozef Friedmann, my mother Dorota Friedmannova, nee Weil, then my aunt, who lived in Poland and my oldest sister Lujza Wohlwert, nee Friedmannova, who was two years old when the photo was taken. My father was born in 1884. He came from Stropkov and was quite well-off. He was a businessman. As soon as he got married, he moved to Presov and started a business with gas stations, but he played cards and soon went bankrupt. My mother was the one who actually took care of the family, not only by keeping the household, but also by trying to help financially, which was not so common at the time. In spite of their poverty our parents tried really hard to provide education for all of us, children. I would say our family was rather bohemian, although the men grew beards and were religious. My father was also religious; he graduated from a yeshivah, but I remember seeing him, when he thought nobody could see him, as he turned on the radio on Saturday, although this was considered work.