Josef and Samuel Gershon

This is a photograph of my father's youngest brother - Josef Haim Gershon (the one from the left) taken in Buenos Aires in 1928. He sent it from Argentina to his brother Albert Gershon, my father, addressed to ?Plovdiv, Bunardjika hill, A Barrack?. My father's other brother, Samuel Gershon, is the one in the middle of the picture. Samuel and Josef went to Argentina in 1928. I remember that a few years later they came back to look for financial support and my father helped them. They left again and settled there for good. We lived in a barrack in 1928 after the devastating earthquake in Plovdiv. Our house wasn?t destroyed but it was dangerous to live in it, so we lived just opposite, in a barrack built by the municipality. The earthquake was terrible. I remember that the great earthquake happened while I was in my grandmother's house near Maritsa River. There was a large square in front of the house. My mother was crying in panic that they had forgotten me inside the house and she sent my uncle to get me. There were some more shocks but we had already settled in the barracks. I thought then that Bunardjika was a volcano that was going to erupt right then.