Harry Fink on the riverbank

I'm the first on the right, but I don't recall who the little girl beside me is. I don't know where the photo could have been taken, but it was probably on one of our family trips. The photograph was taken in the 1930s. We used to go a little ways outside of Prague to Radejovice. We had a place rented there, and my father would come in the evening, because it was a suburb of Prague and today it's part of the city. Back then it was still a village in the forest. So we used to go on vacations like this as well. We also drove around the region surrounding Prague, to Karlstein, to St. John's Currents to swim. While we still could, before they took our car [because of the Anti-Jewish laws in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia] we went on trips and then, when we couldn't have the car any more, we stopped.