Ella Wernerova

This is my mother Ella Wernerova (nee Weissensteinova). The photo was taken in the Langhans studio in Nachod in the 1920s. 

My mother was born on 4th May 1905 in Nachod. I don't know anything about how my parents met; in this case I can only imagine how things happened. I think that they likely met at some spa at the end of the 1920s. I've seen photographs of my father in various spa towns from that period, so it's possible that he and my mother met someplace while on vacation. During my childhood I never discussed it with my parents, after the war I no longer had the possibility of asking anyone. That's why I don't even know when and where they had their wedding. It likely must have been in the year 1930.  

My mother was this refined figure, she was very cultivated, I don't remember getting a spanking from her, and if I did, it was only a couple of times. She stayed at home with us and raised us. We used to go skating, we also used to go to the park by the Pardubice Chateau to the so-called dahlias, for in the fall gorgeous dahlias would bloom in the park. Thanks to my mother, my childhood was joyful and pleasant, thanks to her care, the various anti-Jewish measures didn't have an impact on me, I wasn't very aware of them.