Eda and Raf Saporta

This is a picture of the wedding of my sister Eda Saltiel and Raphael Saporta. They married in Paris on 1st December 1955. Raf was also from Thessaloniki. He was the brother of Tida Saporta, who later married Joseph Avram. She was my closest friend since childhood and when we were young, in the summer, all her family went on vacation to the mountain, Arsakli, and we were at the sea shore so, she would come and spend some days with us, and we would go and spend some days with them. We were very close. During the war Raf was deported with all his family, together with the rest of the Spanish Jews. After the war he never returned to Thessaloniki but settled in Paris. He loved Eda secretly, and asked her to join him. They had a daughter named Sylvie, who now has two children, Matilde and Alexander.

Photos from this interviewee