The Dziady in the Narodowy Theatre of Warsaw in 1968

This is me in the Dziady in the Narodowy Theater of Warsaw in 1968. Me and the second actress played the roles of Angels. The actor Gustaw Holoubek started principal role of Gustaw-Konrad. The director of this performance was my husband Kazimierz Dejmek. I think this picture was published in the newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza in 2005.

In 1960 my husband was appointed director general of the Narodowy Theater so we moved from Lodz to Warsaw. There I didn't do anything, just drew my wages. In 1968 I played in the Dziady, played is too big a word - I stood and sang. It was virtually no role at all, but I took part in all the rehearsals, all the shows. And on stage I stood right besides Holoubek when he recited the Great Improvisation - that took well over 10 minutes. And he was so brilliant and so wonderful that there was no show where I wouldn't start crying. Tears are trickling down my face and I can't even wipe them away because I'm an Angel, I can't move.

So that's one thing I had - great experiences. But the show didn't run long - the authorities ordered it off the bill. My husband was fired from the job, expelled from the party. And all of us - people connected to him - left too, of course. I came to the Ateneum theater in Warsaw but that was also only to draw the wages and sometimes fill in for someone else. I had a very hard life in theater - humiliating.