Daniel and Emilia Danon

This is a photo of my favorite uncle Dani Danon and his wife Emilia.  Emilia was Italian.  You see the clothes of the 1920s, dresses without sleeves and my uncle wearing “get”s over his shoes.  The “get” was worn over one’s shoes and it was tied, I do not know if it was to keep them tight over the shoes.  The photo was taken in 1928.

My uncle Daniel used to take me to the beach in Florya.  As my uncle and his wife did not have any children, they loved me very much.  And my mother, as the kids were very naughty, would say, "please come and get Suzi" and I woiuld go to my uncle's.  His wife would dress me in beautiful clothes and I would stay with them.  I liked staying with them.  We would sing together.  My aunt Emilia was a very beautiful woman.

I have many meories from the times I spent at my uncle's home.  For example, I remember that my uncle's wife's brother, Atilyo Kilkus and his wife (I can't remember her name now) had had a baby.  The name of the baby was Romano.  There were 10 years' difference between us. So when I went to stay with my uncle I would play with little Romano.  The 14 months later Covani [Giovanni] was born. They lived in my uncle's apartment, too.  So I was with them all the time I stayed at my uncle's and I stayed with them a lot. 

My uncle Dani was in business with Emilia’s father.  I think they had a hardware shop.  Later on, when the business did not go well, he took his share and left.  He bought two flats with that money and lived on the rent of those flats.  He did not work.  Daniel died in 1957.