Commemoration of The International Holocaust Day

On January 27, 2018, in a special commemoration activity of The International Day of The Holocaust, the students from „Iulia Hasdeu” National College Lugoj, those who are part of the circle The History of The Jews. The Holocaust discussed about anti-Semitic legislation from Nazi Germany and the important documents which refer to Human Rights. At the end of the activity, the students received a sheet of paper with the Human Rights and another one with main anti-Semitic laws from Romania and they watched a short movie about Mihail Sebastian writer's life. Based on the sheets of paper and the movie, the students discovered the broken Human Rights by adopting the anti-Semitic legislation in Romania. Following the new lesson, the students from “The History of The Jews. The Holocaust’’ circle made a series of posters and created an exhibition on the school’s halls for marking the event. This activity represent the first stage of „Încălcarea drepturilor omului în perioada Holocaustului în Jurnalul lui Mihail Sebastian. O istrorie grafică” / „Human Rights Violation During the Holocaust in Mihail Sebastian's Journal. A Graphic History”, project funded by Olga Lengyel Institute (New York, USA).