Das Centropa Archiv



Seit 2000 hat Centropa in Österreich und Israel 88 jüdische Holocaustüberlebende interviewt. Zusätzlich haben wir ausgewählte Biografien aus Europa in deutscher Sprache übersetzt.

Oro Aroyo at a celebration in the Ma'abarot kibbutz

Fotos & Dokumentenarchiv

25,000 digitalisierte Familienfotos und Dokumente.


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To make our biographies even more useful as a research tool for students and scholars, we have annotated them using a tagging system of over 200 unique themes, relating to personal experiences and historical events, Jewish culture and more. 

Click on a theme that interests you and read specific excerpts from the hundreds of interviews within our archive. Combine themes to narrow down the who, what, and where, and dive more deeply into history and the lives of our interviewees. 


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