Father Andrej Tumpej
This is Father Tumpej who saved my sister and I during World War II. Andrej Tumpej was declared a righteous gentile and received a certificate from Yad Vashem. His nephew received it for him and my sister was present at the ceremony in Ljubljana when the Israeli ambassador gave his nephew this document since the priest had already died. He died of natural causes. This was a few years ago. I cannot remember the exact date. He helped everyone.
He established the parish on Banovo Brdo and worked there for a long time. He helped everyone: Jews, Communists, everyone. Because of his revolutionary ideas he was transferred to Bitola for sometime. He was old and got ill and was transferred back to Belgrade. Nuns in Dedenje took care of him in their home until his death. I came to visit him there until his death. I didn't go to his funeral because I wasn't in Yugoslavia at the time. He is buried in Belgrade.