Katzenelson High School

Type of institution
Public school

Katzenelson High School is located in Kfar Saba in Israel. It is one of the well known secondary hjgh schools, established in 1946. Today, there are some 700 students aged 15-18 studying various subjects, all of which are for the matriculation exams ,which are to provide a high school diploma. Apart from the compulsory subjects chosen by the Ministery of Education (history,math,English,Hebrew language and literature and Bible) the students can choose to major in many subjects such as: theater, music. computers, physics, biology,chemisrty and many more.

Some of our excellent students participate in projects with the Technion, The Wiezman Institute, or do projects at school.

60% of the students volunteer within the community, and continue doing so after graduation, by volunteering for a year before their army service.

The school takes upon itself to help students with difficulties, both intelectual and physical. Beside excellent students, there are two classes of special education students, that participate in all the school's activities.

The atmosphere at school is very wellcoming.

There is a special project done in English at school: "Locating Holocaust survivors through thr Internet" done by 11 grade students . 

Here is a demonstration of one of the musical performances:


43 Azar St.
Kfar Saba 44400