Shoes in Terezin

Two pair of shoes in small room at 17 Dlouha Street in Terezin. Owners: Artur Berlinger and his wife.  He was a man of many talents. He worked as a musician, music teacher, painter, calligrapher and artisan.  In 1942 Artur and his wife were deported to the Jewish Ghetto in Terezin. During 1943 Berlinger happened upon the empty attic space with the vaulted ceiling at 17 Dlouhá Street. Determined to help other inmates celebrate their Jewish faith, he transformed it into a prayer room and probably using his own liturgical items during the services he led. He decorated the room himself and even painted his self-portrait as a cantor facing the wall inscription, “Know before whom you stand.” The upper walls and vaulted ceiling are decorated, but the lower wall ornamentation was destroyed during the 2002 floods. In addition to Berlinger’s self-portrait, a six-pointed Star of David is prominent. Stars of various sizes on the vaulting resemble a sky. Three burning candles are portrayed as well. Other Hebrew inscriptions on the walls that ask God for forgiveness and compassion include “May our eyes behold Your return to Zion in compassion” and “But despite all this, we have not forgotten Your name. We beg You not to forget us.” Yet another reads, “If I forget you, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget its skill.”On September 28, 1944 Artur Berlinger was sent to Auschwitz, where he perished. His wife was deported to Auschwitz on October 6 of the same year and also she died there. Artur left only music and shoes...