Teacher blog

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Berlinische Gallerie

Today was a full day of viewing, thinking and linking.  We first went to the Berlinische Gallerie where there is a wonderful collection of Weimar paintings.  However, we focused primarily on three paintings:  Der Tolle Platz, Felix Nuβbaum; Die Mutter, Otto Freundlich; Der Poet Iwar von Lücken, Otto Dix.  These paintings are very representative of the societal angst that was felt between the two wars -- The life that was lost, the life of the present, and the life of the unknown future.

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Steglitz to Holocaust Memorial

On Saturday Jacek and I went out to find my mother-in-law’s (Martha) birth house.  She lived in this house from her birth until she was forced to leave Germany at the age of 15.  We took the train to Steglitz (30-40 min outside of Berlin) and we were able to find the neighborhood quite easily.  At one time this was a stately suburban neighborhood on the outskirts of Berlin.  Today it is a mixed bag.  In general it is not kept up that well.  There are tall weeds choking the sidewalk medians and the yards and houses not kept up very well.  However, at the sa

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Instituto Cervantes

During our time at the Instituto Cervantes we viewed several films and then had lively discussions concerning possible uses in the classroom.  The synergy from the collection of so many cultures, languages, and perspectives is rare indeed.  Centropa knows what it is doing bringing such an eclectic group together.  I have been in the “business” of education for over 40 years and have never experienced a learning environment that even came close to the quality of this one.  Kudos to everyone for making this so memorable.  The informal discussions over food are some of

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Rosenstrasse Protest

Block der Frauen – Rosenstraβe Protest

We visited the Rosenstraβe monument, Block der Frauen” , in front of the Instituto Cervantes.  This monument was dedicated in 1995 .  Created by Ingeborg Hunziger.

On the evening of the 27th February,1943. a crowd formed in front of the building  in the Rosenstraβe protesting the evacuation of Jewish men to prison camps. This crowd was mainly composed of women and families of the detainees. 

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My wife, Jane, and I moved to Schöningen, Germany in 1972.  At that time we had no idea that this small town was the birth place of her uncle,  William Cohen.  In fact, it was uncanny that Jane ended up teaching in the same school William graduated from. When we wrote to her aunt that we were in Schöningen, she proceded to tell us about the wonderful times she had walking with her husband "in den Elm", a beautiful forest outside of the town.

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