Egon Lovith at a dinner party

I am the only Jewish person in this picture. I don?t know why my wife Margo is not in the photo. It was an honor that they sat me at the head of the table. The person sitting on my left is Bela Salamon (first man from left), a half Jewish person whose mother was Hungarian, but he identified himself as Jewish. His father owned a famous candy factory here in Kolozsvar. He was also a member of the Democratic Jewish Youth Organisation and later he became the secretary of UTC [Young Communist Party] and kaderes. He was very enthusiastic. Opposite to me is the wife of the director of Unirea factory, where my wife Margo worked. His wife was probably a clerk. Her husband took this picture in the 1970s. I don't know the rest of the women in the photo but they were all Hungarian. We gathered for some kind of holiday and at that time we didn't discuss politics. Back then the television was a new thing and it couldn't have been turned off, everybody wanted to watch it all the time even while they served dinner. In the background you can see Ceausescu on the television.

Photos from this interviewee