The Ibolya Pap family

From the left: Illes Pap, my grandfather, Ibolya Pap, my older aunt, then my father and Klara, the youngest sister. In Temesvar [today: Timisoara, Romania] the Pap family lived in a tenement dwelling somewhere downtown the whole time they were there.This must have been in front of the house. My grandfather was a teacher of Hungarian and German at the Jewish high school [in Temesvar]. My older aunt, Ibolya, learned to play the piano and she taught the piano for many years. Later, after the war - in my childhood - I remember that she was a cashier in some kind of ready-to-wear boutique or clothes shop. She got married in 1940 to a teacher from the Jewish high school in Temesvar, called Hauben, who came from Bucovina, from Cernovitz. He was appointed there in Temesvar, and he taught Latin. This uncle of mine knew some thirteen languages. They moved to Israel in 1962. My aunt didn't work anymore there, and my uncle commuted to the university in Tel-Aviv from Nathania, where they lived. He taught there Latin and Old French. Meanwhile he went on some study-tours as well. They didn't have children. As for my younger aunt, Klara, she was an official from the beginning. At first she lived in Temesvar, then in Brasso, then in Bucharest, and finally in Kolozsvar, but she didn't work any more then. Her first husband was a true Saxon, they divorced sometime in 1945. She met her second husband in Brasso; he was a road-inspector. They lived together in Bucharest for a longer time. This husband was of Romanian-Hungarian [mixed] nationality. In 1967, when they both retired, they moved to Kolozsvar. The husband died in 1973, already in Kolozsvar. Then my aunt got married to an old man, but this marriage was very short because he died. This third husband was Jewish. His name was Mihaly Suranyi.