Street view of the former Jewish district of Targu Mures

In the corner-house on the right, in the middle of the main square, there was the first furniture store my grandfather Mihaly Mestitz had in 1850. The street that can be seen on this photo was formerly called Szent Gyorgy Street [currently Revolutiei Street, downtown]. Beside the registrar's - as you walk through the gate, right under the gateway - there's this wall painting. I don't know who painted it, but the street and the house looked exactly like this in my grandfather's time. You can even see in this painting that 'Mestitz Mihaly es fiai' [Mihaly Mestitz and Sons] is written on the house, which is what my grandfather's store was called.

Initially the entire house belonged to my grandfather. On both sides of the gate there was a shop-window, on one side there was the furniture store, then the tapestry-manufactory. Inside the courtyard, on the left, there was one of the warehouses. The other one was on Grivita Street. They were selling beautiful furniture, and it was very prestigious to have one's furniture made at the Mestitz' store, since that meant it was certainly good quality. For instance, after the war, when I was taken to a hospital, the doctor knew my name, because he had seen it on the furniture his younger brother's family had.