Solomon Bogdanov

This is my elder brother Solomon Bogdanov. He sent this picture to my parents from Moscow. The picture was taken in 1940.

My elder brother Solomon, called Syoma by us, was very gifted. He had excellent marks at school and was able to finish a two-year curriculum within one year. In 1929 he finished the tenth grade of the Russian compulsory school at the age of 15.

Father sent him to Moscow to Mother's sister Mirra. Syoma got ready for the entrance exams to Moscow State University. He became a student of the physics and mathematics department at the age of 15. Father rented a room from an elderly lady, who also agreed to cook for Syoma.

We took pride in Solomon. In spite of poor material conditions and lodging he was an excellent student, and finished his studies brilliantly. It was the time when outstanding and world-renowned scientists taught at the physics and mathematics department.

In 1935 my brother graduated from Moscow State University and obtained a mandatory job assignment to the All-Union electronic technical institute. My brother never told us the details of his job, just mentioned that he had a very important assignment, connected with the elaboration of new kinds of armament.

Within five years he became a candidate of science and then he defended his doctorate dissertation. He was overwhelmed with work and his personal life was in the background. He was so thoughtful and tender towards mother and I …

Syoma got married unexpectedly in 1940, and at the beginning of 1941 his daughter Susanna was born. Syoma was more than a brother to me: he was my teacher, my mentor and my spiritual guide.

Often I came to him and he always found time to listen to me and help me tackle my problems.