Pavle Sosberger at the family office

This photo was taken in our family office 'Adolf Sosberger Agency and Commission Store' in Karadziceva street. First from left is me, next to me is my cousin Kis Marcika and from right side is my father Joka. 

When I had completed the school I got employed. Then I was 19 years old. My first job was with 'Soman i Bauer' company that manufactured artificial stones, there I learned the trade, I worked on the production of artificial stones, façade and around things connected with construction. After that I joined engineer Rajh. Here I worked in the office, drew and drew up plans, and climbed buildings. Later on I got employed in Belgrade with a quite big planning office. Here we worked for the royal court and ministers. It was a very favorable opportunity; I started to get to know the profession and the people. However on March 27 in 1941, there had been a coup d'etat in Yugoslavia and my chief told me that it would be better to return home because there was going to be a war. I went home immediately and joined the civil defense. On April the 6th World War II started in Yugoslavia when Germany attacked Yugoslavia.