The family of Abram Kopelovich and that of his uncle Ierukhim Beskin in Vitebsk

This is our family with Ierukhim Beskin`s family. The photo was taken when they came to Vitebsk in 1955. Svetlana Bunina (nee Beskina) is second from left. Now cousin Svetlana is in Damascus. She and her husband received jobs in the conservatory in Damascus. My father Isaac (Mordukh Idel) Markovich (Motl) Kopelovich is third from left, and my mother Tsimlya Zalmanovna Kopelovich (nee Beskina) is third from right. After the war, Uncle Ierukhim Beskin, standing first from the right, gave every one of his relatives 10 thousand roubles each to start building their own houses. And to his last day he supported his Mum. Uncle came to visit very often, together with his wife, sometimes in his own car. Aunt Galina Evgrafovna (second from right), personally taught me, when I studied in Moscow, all the rules of good manners and decent behavior. She introduced me to Moscow's high society and taught me many things, including the right way to hold a spoon or a fork. You know, I was from a small town. Her husband, Uncle Ira, was the director of a large printing house of the Moscow Theatrical Society. All posters, all tickets - were made there. As a student, I attended all the performances. Thanks to him, I saw a lot of theater plays. I had been to the first Viennese ballet on ice, various festivals. At that time I was a real Soviet boy and I didn't keep Jewish traditions.