Kitty und Otto Suschny -- Only A Couple Of Streets Away From Each Other

Kitty and Otto Suschny both grew up in Vienna, only a couple of streets away from each other, but they never met while growing up. After the Reichspogromnacht in November 1938, both fled Austria for their lives; Kitty went to England, while Otto emigrated to Palestine. After the war, they returned to Vienna, desperate to find out what had happened to their parents. That´s where they met, and they never separated again...

Study Guides


Kitty and Otto Suschny were both born in 1924 in Vienna, the capital of Austria. They grew up just a few streets apart from one another, in the city's 20th district - although they never met. 


Kitty recalls that in the early 1930s, anti-Semitism did not play a very big role. However, in 1938, as the Nazis entered Austria in what is known as the “Anschluss,” the situation changed dramatically for Austrian Jews. 


In 1924, the year Kitty and Otto were born, Vienna was the capital of the First Republic of Austria. The Republic, established in 1919, was created following the end of First World War and the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire (1867-1918) and the Republic of German-Austria (1918-1919).


Otto recounts that, even amidst violence and turmoil, his parents believed they would be able to survive in Vienna. Kitty’s mother also figured she would be safe, as her husband had been a soldier in the First World War.


After Kristallnacht the British eased the immigration restrictions for certain Jewish refugees and agreed to allow an unspecified number of children to enter the country. However, after the outbreak of war 1 September 1939, the government no longer took any transports. 


For the first two years Otto spent in Palestine, he lived on a Kibbutz. “Kibbutz” means “communal settlement” in Hebrew. Kibbutzim are generally rural communities that are built around the notion of cooperative living. 

In 1943 Otto signed up for the Royal Army Service Corps (RASC). The RASC was a corps of the British Army primarily responsible for the transportation of non-military equipment. 


In 1946, Kitty and her brother, Harry left Britain and returned to Vienna.

In 1945, Austria had declared the Second Republic, reestablishing Austria as a democratic republic.

Kitty and Harry met at a Pessach gathering organized by Jewish American soldiers at Café Beethoven in Vienna. 

Lesson plans for this film

9 results
For grades Documents

Kitty und Otto Suschny - Unterrichtsentwurf


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Kitty and Otto Suschny: "Viennese Jewry In The 1930s"


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Kitty and Otto Suschny: Discussion points for the film.


Kitty and Otto Suschny: Lesson plan on Kindertransport


Das Ehepaar Suschny - Interaktives Filmskript


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6, 7, 8, 9

Unterrichtsmaterialien zum 9. November


Nina Sasportas unterrichtet an der JOS Berlin.

Suschny: Ein Unterrichtsplan zum 9. November 1938


Das Online Projekt ist als Kurzreihe konzipiert, kann aber auch als Einzelstunde eingesetzt werden etwa als Vorbereitung für den 9. November. Es folgen die Unterrichtsentwürfe für die ersten beiden Stunden...
