Stepan Neuman with his wife Adel Neuman and daughter Judit Soskida

Stepan Neuman with his wife Adel Neuman and daughter Judit Soskida

This is me, Stepan Neuman, and my wife Adel Tabacs, nee Neuman, sitting in the yard of our house. Our daughter Judita Soskida, nee Neuman, is standing. We wanted to be photographed by the rose bush. This photo was taken in Uzhgorod in 1979.

My daughters were growing up like all other Soviet children. They were pioneers and Komsomol members. They had excellent marks at school. Judit and Adel understood that they needed an education to make their way in life. Both daughters were registered as Slovaks. I had constantly faced anti-Semitism and didn’t want it to sadden their life.

After finishing school Judit entered the Faculty of Economics of Uzhgorod University. Adel went in for sports at school. She decided to go to study at the Kiev University of Physical Education and after school she moved to Kiev. Upon graduation Adel returned to Uzhgorod. In Uzhgorod she finished the English department of the Philological Faculty of Uzhgorod University.

They both work. Judit is chief economist of the power network department of the town, and Adel is a scientific employee dealing with the issues of rehabilitation of sportsmen. They are both married and have Ukrainian husbands. Judit’s husband, Miroslav Soskida, deals with the issues of recovery of the ozone medium. His scientific works were in a contest in Washington and now he has a job offer to work in Washington. Adel’s husband, Alexandr Bredikhin, works in television.

Judit has two children. Her son Stepan, born in 1976, moved to Israel after finishing school in Uzhgorod. Now his name is Itzhok. It’s the 7th year of my grandson’s service in the Israeli army. He defends the country that has become his homeland. I am proud of him and I am proud that a member of our family defends the holy land for all of us. Judit’s daughter Anita was born in 1985. She is a 1st-year student of Uzhgorod University. Adel has no children.

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