Roza Eugenia Obarzanska

Roza Eugenia Obarzanska

This is my elder sister Roza Eugenia. The photo may have been taken in my brother Artur’s photographic studio, ‘Sztuka,’ in Czestochowa. It was taken in 1935.

My elder brother Artur was really Father's spiritual heir in terms of photography. Artur got married and moved to Czestochowa, around the turn of the 1920s and 1930s, and built himself a photography studio called 'Sztuka' [Art], before the war.

He did well - he even got into Jasna Gora and took photographs of pilgrimages and what have you. Then he even got into that 'Bromöldruck,' but that was after the war, when he emigrated to Israel, where he had a photography studio too.

There he got into another technique, called 'Gummidruck' [gum bichromate] - that technique is still used today by some photographers.

Roza was officially called Eugenia - she was born in Switzerland. We used to call her Rozia, Rozka, she was older than me too. Maybe two, three years.

She married Obarzanski and had two children. It's only now, recently, that I found out from my brother-in-law, by telephone, from Israel, from Majtek, that Roza's husband, Obarzanski, died in Kielce in a terrible way.

Apparently he was tied to a car and dragged through Kielce. Roza was killed in the quarries near Wisniowka, a few kilometers outside Kielce. She was killed with her children Bobek and Giga. I don't know the details.

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