Oosher Roizen

Oosher Roizen

This is a picture of my brother Oosher Roizen. The photo was taken for the Board of Honor of the polyclinic in Chernovtsy where he worked in 1964. There was no Jewish school in Ozarintsy after the war, so my brother and I went to the Ukrainian school. In 1946 my brother finished school and went to Chernovtsy to enter the Construction College. During the war a family from Chernovtsy had lived in our house. My mother corresponded with them after the war and they told us to move to Chernovtsy. My mother went to Chernovtsy with my brother. She didn't want him to be on his own because of his poor health. My brother finished Construction College and entered the Medical Institute in Chernovtsy in 1951. He graduated from the Medical Institute in 1957 and worked as a cardiologist. In the early 1970s Jews began to move to Israel. My brother moved there, too. He was a good dentist. He got a job in hospital in Rechon, Israel. He died in 1981.
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