The marriage certificate of Farkas Vilmos and Roza Molnar

The marriage certificate of Farkas Vilmos and Roza Molnar

This is the marriage certificate of my paternal grandparents, Farkas Vilmos and Roza Molnar, issued in Budapest in 1897. My grandparents got married in 1897. One year later, in 1898, my father, Miklos, was born, and three years later my Aunt Margit. From then on my grandmother was a housewife. I only know about her that she was sickly all her life. I think she must have had quite a difficult life. They say that she was a very sweet woman, my father loved her enormously. They must have moved a lot, because the places where they rented an apartment are recorded. My grandfather emigrated to New York. I have found the money-orders with which he sent sometimes 5, sometimes 10 dollars from New York, which was a big amount at that time. He was there for two years. After World War I he opened a small shop on Vorosmarty Street no. 51, where they sold all kinds of trifles, but especially candy. This was a tiny little shop, and for a while they lived off it.
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